"Your country … has families with three, four or five children," Pope Francis told President Joko Widodo of Indonesia. "Keep ...
Pope Francis tours Indonesia in ordinary family car as he faces first test of health during historic Asia trip - Pontiff is ...
Pope Francis on Wednesday urged political leaders in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, to guard ...
Indonesia sees itself as a site of calm and tolerance during a time when different faiths come into ruinous conflict in other ...
Dozens of excited Indonesians waved on Tuesday as a motorcade carried Pope Francis through the capital as he began the first ...
The people of Indonesia believe in gotong royong, literally, “joint bearing of burdens,” carrying something together, ...
Pope Francis cemented his legacy of promoting interreligious dialogue by building a bridge with the Muslim community in ...
On Francis’ first full day in Indonesia on Wednesday, the pope called upon the political leaders to protect the country’s ...
Fr. Suyadi and other priests also credit the city’s archbishop, Cardinal Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, for the welcoming ...
The pope’s meeting with the Muslim leader in Jakarta comes during the first leg of an intense 11-day, four-nation tour in ...
The Holy Father on Tuesday landed in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta, the first stop on what is to be the longest ...
This is a collection of photos chosen by AP photo editors.