Both youth and adults are welcome. The six officers took issue with two specific images in the mural: a picture of Assata Shakur, a civil rights activists who became a fugitive after being ...
In the post celebrating Black History Month, Maine Rep. Nina Milliken summarized the case of Assata Shakur, who was convicted of murdering State Trooper Werner Foerster during a shootout on the ...
If FBI agents have time to track down Tom Brady’s stolen Super Bowl jerseys, why can’t they bring back AWOL convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur? It is time for one of the agency’s most wanted ...
15 Minute Drama Assata Shakur - The FBI's Most Wanted Woman Behind the scenes of Assata Shakur - The FBI's Most Wanted Woman Ex Black Panther Assata Shakur's autobiography is dramatised by debbie ...
PDF e-book of the autobiography of black revolutionary, Assata Shakur. We do not agree with all of her politics but reproduce this text for… ...
On Sunday, February 23, the African American Museum in Philadelphia will host a special screening of the Assata Shakur-inspired documentary, Eyes of the Rainbow. The powerful 1997 documentary ...