The December 2018 elections for the Andalusian government resulted in the return of the Spanish far right to the democratic institutions of Spain. In this process of the emergence of the far-right and ...
Global capabilities of interlinked networks have freed data processing activities from their spatial limitations. This led to an increase in transborder flows of personal data (TF ...
The 2018 and 2019 Feminist Strikes in Spain were a multitudinous eventful mobilizing process, in which activists engaged in assembling work and reconfigured feminist activisms to build societal change ...
This doctoral thesis analyzes people's attitude and behavior towards the sharing economy, specifically in relation to clothing exchange platforms, as an alternative proposal to fast fashion. The ...
Online learning communities (OLCs), categorized into private and public types, are conducive collaborative learning environments for fostering and embracing Lifelong Learning. OLCs used for formal ...
La iniciativa connecta l'àmbit acadèmic amb les necessitats d'un mercat de treball cada vegada més canviant, que exigeix ...
La Universitat serà present en la cita de projectes emprenedors del Mobile World Congress amb un estand Les start-ups i spin-offs de la UOC apliquen innovació tecnològica a l'educació, la salut o els ...
La rectora de la UOC, Àngels Fitó, i Pastora Martínez Samper, comissionada per a l'Acció Internacional, explicaran a la comunitat de Brussel·les els avantatges de l'OpenEU ...
Esta tesis doctoral por compendio de publicaciones aborda cómo las plataformas de streaming basadas en un modelo de suscripción (SVOD) miden el éxito del contenido audiovisual, cuestión que se enmarca ...
Within the framework of the EdTech Congress 2025, the Vice-rector Manel Jiménez-Morales participates in the round table and participatory debate "The digital skin of universities". The student is the ...
A UOC study analyses the positive impact of European law, even in countries that have not experienced a decline in the rule of law European justice safeguards the judicial independence of the Member ...
A study has found that just 6.7% of the voices heard on Twitch during the 2022 FIFA World Cup were female journalists The results, based on 292 hours of coverage, show a marked imbalance in the ...