managed this Wednesday evening to recover the range finder of the German battleship Admiral Graf Spee sunk in the River Plate since December 1939. The salvage team headed by experienced Uruguayan ...
Since the discovery of the Titanic, the Endurance and the fate of Admiral Graf von Spee’s great cruiser fleet have been the two great enduring maritime mysteries of our times. In our search for ...
The Battle of River Plate was fought on 13 December 1939 between the German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee and the Allied Naval task force. The location of the battle was off the South ...
Die "Admiral Graf Spee" war zu Beginn des Zweiten Weltkrieges im Indischen Ozean und im Südatlantik auf Kaperfahrt und versenkte mehrere britische Frachtschiffe. Im Dezember 1939 lieferte sich ...
SMS Scharnhorst was the flagship of German Vice-Admiral Maximilian Graf von Spee's East Asia Squadron. It was sunk on 8 December 1914 with more than 800 men on board, including Vice-Adm von Spee ...
World War II had begun in September. The German battleship Admiral Graf Spee had been deployed to the South Atlantic to disrupt Allied shipping, and it had just been battered by the British.
Ohne Aussicht auf Erfolg stand das deutsche Panzerschiff Admiral Graf Spee 1939 einer britischen Übermacht gegenüber. Der Kommandant entschloss sich, das Gefecht zu vermeiden. Er rettete die ...
The Battle of River Plate was fought on 13 December 1939 between the German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee and the Allied Naval task force. The location of the battle was off the South ...