Koch’s bacillus – the cause of tuberculosis – was identified in 1882, earning the microbiologist Robert Koch the Nobel prize ...
Brooklyn-based activist Adina Sash received a phone call she had long awaited: Malky Berkowitz, 29, a fellow Orthodox woman, ...
Classical Myths and Stories, from the Amazons to Cleopatra,' Stephanie McCarter asserts that numerous women held political ...
The ancient Greeks were well versed in the spectrum of gender and queerness, often taking up the theme of sexuality with ...
The ancient Greeks were well versed in the spectrum of gender and queerness, often taking up the theme of sexuality with ...
Greek playwrights like Aristophanes utilized comedy to reveal the corruption and hypocrisy of politicians. They effectively engaged audiences in dialogue about the issues of their time.
“I have felt drawn to Romantic poetry and some of the early 19th-century playwrights, like Goethe and some of the translations of Aristophanes that were starting to show up around Victorian ...
As part of the project now in its fourth year, hundreds of young artists perform re-adapted comedies by Aristophanes, starting from Pompeii’s amphitheater, Teatro Grande, and then touring other ...
When Euripides came down, he put on shows for the pickpockets and muggers and cut-throats and burglars – there's a lot of them in Hades. When they heard his antilogies and twistings and turnings, they ...
For, Socrates tells the jurors, “you yourselves have seen, in Aristophanes’ comedy, a kind of Socrates carried aloft and claiming to walk on air and uttering all sorts of other nonsense, about which I ...