“When you enter the land that Adonai your God is giving you as a heritage and you occupy it and settle in it you shall take some of every first fruit of the soil which you harvest from the land that ...
Judgment Day – when – on the anniversary of the creation of humanity – God sits in judgment over all of humanity.
Shmuel Rosner is senior political editor. For more analysis of Israeli and international politics, visit Rosner’s Domain at ...
As Israel’s agriculture faces an arduous rebuilding process, a silver lining is the growing research cooperation between ...
Israel has an ambitious plan to build a huge 160-mile canal connecting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean which would bypass ...
Israel's famed intelligence agencies are synonymous with slick executions, under-the-radar operations, and a legendary spy ...
A fire broke out Tuesday at the home where Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion, lived after he moved to Jerusalem. The blaze broke out on the top floor of the former Ben Gurion home on ...
Blow the great trumpet for our freedom and raise the banner for the ingathering of the exiles and gather us together from the four corners of the earth, and may our eyes behold the return to Zion ...
In the years that they have had their own nation, the Jews have been governed by only two women—Jezebel's daughter Athalia, who ruled Judea from 842 B.C. to 836 B.C., and Queen ...
Air raid sirens sounded in over 20 locations across the center area of occupied Palestine, including `Tel Aviv` and its ...
Despite being a proud centrist and critic of Likud, you keep a portrait of its founder, Menachem Begin, right next to one of David Ben-Gurion in your office. What message are you trying to send?