Documents released to the National Archives at Kew, west London ... serious” man who was unlikely to fall victim to any kind of KGB sting operation. Bogarde, who died in 1999, never came ...
Film star Dirk Bogarde was warned by MI5 that he could be the target of a gay “entrapment” attempt by the KGB, according to newly-declassified intelligence files. Documents released to the National ...
MI5 feared film star Dirk Bogarde could be the target of a KGB gay "entrapment" attempt after it emerged he was on a list of 'six practising British homosexuals' passed to the Russians ...
In their recorded conversation, a transcript of which has been published by the National Archives, Philby admitted to betraying Konstantin Volkov, a KGB officer who attempted to defect to the West ...
Mark Dunton, historian at The National Archives and curator of MI5 ... Around the same time, a KGB defector warned that a British actor had been the subject of a recruitment attempt in Moscow ...
Notorious double agent Anthony Blunt feared that his KGB handler would turn violent ... which have now been released to the National Archives at Kew. The trio, together with Kim Philby and John ...