Alarum has an intriguing cast including Sylvester Stallone, Scott Eastwood and Mike Colter, but the movie never gets any ...
"Sonic The Hedgehog 3"—starring James Marsden, Jim Carrey and the voices of Keanu Reeves, Idris Elba and Ben Schwartz—appears ...
Two 20-minute shows, which featured layers of denim, tapestry, vintage blankets and other repurposed materials, provided ...
Directed by Michael Polish. Starring Scott Eastwood, Sylvester Stallone, Willa Fitzgerald, Mike Colter, D.W. Moffett, Isis Valverde, Anton Narinskiy, Patrick Millin, Joel Cohen, Bailey Edwards, ...
Scott Eastwood discusses his dad Clint Eastwood and his "Alarum" co-star Sylvester Stallone as the film debuts in theaters and digital streaming.
Scott Eastwood spoke with UPI about "Alarum," in theaters and video-on-demand Friday, and lessons he learned from co-star ...
Alarum boasts a solid cast, including Sylvester Stallone, and some interesting concepts and scenes, but it's mostly a parade ...
There are some types of screen narratives that probably shouldn’t be attempted on limited means, and “international espionage ...
No stranger to Hollywood royalty, Scott Eastwood found even himself marveling at some of the tales his recent costar ...
Scott Eastwood tells PEOPLE about hanging out with 'badass' Sylvester Stallone while making their new movie 'Alarum,' but ...
Sylvester Stallone briefly stabilizes this artless action movie about a rogue agent and his wife on the run. Given that the ...
Scott Eastwood chats about his new thriller "Alarum" and what he learned from his dad's iconic movies as he cements role as an action star.