hex文件中用到0x8000的地址,应该是跟section的定义有关,如在cmd文件中配置为.TI.ramfunc,而实际移植程序时未修改,在ram中运行的地方还是用的ramfuncs。而通过hex2000转换告警的问题,还是没有定位 ...
Can anyone give me a tip on how to receive SCI data with dynamic length (can range from 1 byte to over 16 bytes)? Polling the FIFO is not an option as the SCI communication is part of larger timing ...
The two technologies are not compatible. Is there any reason an FPDlink SER cannot be used? I can provided compatible device to the ADI MAX96724/F/R.
PFC驱动部分的,EPWM1-A和EPWM1-B起的什么作用?我看在程序里没有设置它的占空比? 在Lab4中关于如下代码几个变量的理解 ...
1.板1在三相输出悬空时,SPI按默认配置,直接配置使能芯片EN,MCU输出3相互补的16KHz的50%占空比PWM,mcu设置死驱1us,测试前几次能抓取A,B相输出PWM,频率及死驱基本能对上,测试几次后,fault寄存 ...
I used board that named LAUNCHXL_F2800157. I use the example document to develop SCI bootloader, the document link is : https://www.ti.com/cn/lit/an/zhcadf7/zhcadf7 ...
As of now SPB does not pull the TI PSpice model library directly, hence you need PSpice for TI to serve that purpose. You can continue using SPB for your daily work. Launch PSpice for TI periodically ...
Even though I enabled this configuration in Theia,I am not able to observe the energy trace in debug mode It appears that the configurations is showing as disabled. Could you please help me with this ...
MCAL is part of secure software and even i don't have admin rights to it. I am aligning with internal team on how to provide access, and i will try to provide my updates as soon as possible.
Our software logic is such that: 1.we will first save the values of the IFIB Data Storage as default values. 2.After the voltage and current calibration operation is performed on the production line, ...
C2000ware 5.02 地址变量为:COM_TI_C2000WARE_INSTALL_DIR,CCS12.2以上版本能够直接匹配识别! 但是C2000ware4.03版本地址变量为:COM_TI ...