Economic profiles provide an overview of the economic landscape within a defined region and can help inform strategic economic development initiatives and evaluate the desirability of an area for ...
The six standard components of the FWI System provide numerical ratings of relative wildland fire potential. The first three components are fuel moisture codes that follow daily changes in the ...
The Manitoba government recognizes that establishing and implementing measures respecting accessible information and communication results in improved outcomes and better services for Manitobans. The ...
Le gouvernement du Manitoba reconnaît que l’établissement et la mise en œuvre de mesures propres à favoriser l’accessibilité aux renseignements et aux communications se traduisent par de meilleurs ...
The Manitoba Affordable Energy Plan is a blueprint outlining the next generation of energy that will keep rates low for all Manitobans. This plan will include government-to-government historic ...
Supplements to the Estimates of Expenditure are departmental business plans that align to broader government strategic priorities identified in Balanced Scorecards. The Supplement to the Estimates of ...
Le rapport annuel est organisé selon la structure des crédits du ministère du Ressources naturelles et Développement du Nord Manitoba. Il reflète les crédits autorisés au ministère et approuvés par ...