The Czech Constitutional Court says it will not be taking action against the campaign advertisements published by the ...
After the recent flooding of the Ostrava-Přívoz Municipal Department, the water has receded and revealed extensive damage.
The District Court in Karviná, Czech Republic has conditionally released Jaromír Lukeš from prison; he was originally ...
This Friday and Saturday, the elections to Regional Assemblies and the Senate will be held in the Czech Republic. The ...
Across the Czech Republic, the Romani community has actively joined the aid efforts for victims of the catastrophic floods ...
Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala (Civic Democratic Party - ODS) says citizens of his country can draw on exceptional, ...
The regional elections which have been held just one week after the destructive flooding in the Czech Republic have clearly ...
People evacuated from locations affected by the floods living in a school gymnasium in Ostrava, Czech Republic, 17 September ...
Letošní krajské volby, které se konaly týden po ničivých povodních, jasně ovládlo opoziční hnutí ANO. Stejně jako před čtyřmi ...
Krnov a Opava se potýkají s následky ničivých povodní, které zasáhly obě města. Zatopené domy, bahno a poškozená ...