Each Friday at 3 PM, the Kerala Lottery "NIRMAL NR-413" lottery draw is conducted. Every lottery has an alphanumeric code to identify it, and the Kerala "NIRMAL NR-413" lottery code is "KN" because it ...
SAN DIEGO — Starting January 1, 2025, California drivers must be more mindful of where they park near intersections due to a new state law to improve pedestrian safety. Assembly Bill 413, known ...
CARACAS, Dec 30 (Reuters) - Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek Saab said on Monday that 413 more people arrested over election protests are to be freed, taking the total number of prisoners ...
The ₹413 crore fourth railway terminal at Cherlapally will be formally inaugurated by Union Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw in the presence of Union Minister for Coal and Mines G. Kishan ...