The 8-Bit Guy is building his dream computer, heavily inspired by the Commodore 64. Before we go into what this computer will do and what capabilities it will have, it’s important to note the 8 ...
Connected to a control unit, the ALU slices were strung together to make larger processors (8-bit, 16-bit, etc.). They included inputs and outputs for borrow and carry bits (addition and ...
Most graphics formats provide 8-bit color or 24-bit color; however, graphics cards generally have an intermediate 16-bit color range that displays 65,536 colors. See color depth. THIS DEFINITION ...
[c0pperdragon] set himself the task of designing a very capable 8-bit CPU using just 74HC ... to run code written for the 65C816 processor, the 16-bit CPU used in the Super Nintendo and the ...
Built on AMD’s “Zen 4c” architecture (the first processor series in the AMD embedded portfolio with these cores), they offer ...
One of the primary advantages of 32-bit DSPs over other DSPs, such as 16-bit or 8-bit processors, is their ability to handle a wider range of values and provide higher precision in calculations. This ...