Not only will the Australian animated series about cartoon dogs aimed at young kids be turned into a movie in 2027; this year, it will be bestowed with the ultimate franchise status symbol ...
The LEGO Minecraft builds are both attractive and simple, and although most of the builds depict pre-conceived designs, other sets enable the sort of free play that both LEGO and Minecraft are ...
Unfortunately for Noah, the car turns out to be Mirage (Pete Davidson), one of the Autobots hiding on Earth. And while Mirage is eager to make friends with Noah, Autobot leader Optimus Prime ...
Need some extra help figuring out today's Connections? We've got your back with our hints for the Connections answer for today, 9th January. If you haven't played it before, Connections challenges ...
The choice to cast Peter Cullen, the voice of Optimus Prime in the 1980s Transformers cartoon, to reprise his role as the leader of the Autobots was an inspired one, and John Turturro delivers a ...
There's been little to share about Transformers: Reactivate since reveal, but the first cinematic trailer (below) paints the picture of a more soulful and seemingly, first-person action game in which ...