The Sedition Act became law on July 14, 1798, but it expired on March 3, 1801 under the Jefferson Administration. In 1918, Congress responded to concerns that the country’s wartime efforts in ...
On January 16, 1918, the chairman of House Judiciary Committee introduced a bill which became known as the Sedition Act. This more wide-ranging law would establish penalties for speaking against ...
His indictment came from his opposition to US involvement in World War I and his defiance of the Sedition Act of 1918, a law ...
The Espionage Act of 1917 criminalized anti-war speech, and Wilson used it to silence dissenters, prosecute journalists and ...
Finally, “The Sedition Act” made it a crime to publish or utter ... secure and remove foreign male nationals aged 14 and over (since amended in 1918 to include women) as enemy aliens ...