Ltd is quoting at Rs 2652.25, down 0.47% on the day as on 13:19 IST on the NSE. The stock jumped 6.1% in last one year as compared to a 8.09% rally in NIFTY and a 1.91% fall in the Nifty FMCG index.
Navy had no answer for center Jeff Woodward, who finished with 16 points, eight rebounds, six assists and five blocks to ...
There are 107 days between Virginia's first game of the season and their planned appearance on Memorial Day, playing for a ...
Led by Jeff Woodward's 16 points, the Colgate Raiders defeated the Navy Midshipmen 73-66. The Raiders are now 7-11 with the win and the Midshipmen dropped to 5-13.
Woodward 7-9 2-4 16, Cummins 6-11 0-1 14, Jones 3-10 4-5 13, Louis-Jacques 4-10 3-6 14, Scott 1-5 1-3 3, Carlesimo 2-4 1-2 7, Baker 0-2 2-2 2, S.Wright 0-2 2-2 2, Forrest 1-3 0-0 2. Totals 24-56 15-25 ...
Coming into their contest on Wednesday afternoon, Navy was at the top of the Patriot League standings, but that is no longer ...
Police have arrested an 18-year-old man charged with attempted murder stemming from a December shooting that severely injured ...
Cookies help us to provide you with an excellent service. By using our website, you declare yourself in agreement with our ...
Six class action complaints accuse major dental product makers of deceptively marketing products containing fluoride to young children ...
There is more to the comparison, and in the sections below, we discuss why we think CL will outperform KMB in the next three ...
Generation of hydroelectricity the New Colgate Powerhouse in Yuba County will be interrupted four months while the Yuba Water ...